Overall Print Runner has a 5 star rating based on 1 user reviews.
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Pretty good site and deals, much better than others
I'm a graphic designer and order print for clients constantly. I've used most of online printers before just so I can get a best possible deal and make my margin in cost savings for the client. So far, I've ordered brochures, flyers, business cards and postcards from printrunner and because I selected recycled paper they gave me a 20% discount. I did pay a little extra for the 1 day turnaround which by the way was excellent. As long as they can continue to be competitive in prices, provide the same quality of work as now and the same order turnaround as now, i will always order from printrunner.com, hopefuly they don't get as big as vistaprint and stay true to their customers like printrunner is doing now. You can actualy call them and get someone on the phone in customer service. Charlie P.
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