Overall Phone.com has a 5 star rating based on 1 user reviews.
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In addition to 1 800 numbers, the virtual office service includes voicemail, Internet fax receiving,
In addition to 1 800 numbers, the virtual office service includes custom greetings, auto attendant, voicemail, Internet fax receiving, call transfer and
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Recently, I was registering a new business with Google local, if you have ever seen a map and local business listings in the top of search queries, that is Google local. Initially, I was going to put my cell phone number down as the business number, but it just didn’t look professional to me. Up to this point, I had never considered getting a 1800 number, they seemed to smack of bigger businesses and call centers.
After doing some research and asking people who do have 1800 number set up, I settled on phone.com. I was blown away at how inexpensive this service has become and at the options that go with it.
Before I get into the benefits and features of having a 1800 number, here is something I did not know. 1800 numbers are now portable just as cell phone numbers are. Meaning, you can take them with you if you leave the company you are with. This is especially important for small businesses.
Some Features of phone.com 1800 number:
* Call forwarding to any number
* Call Logs
* Voicemail to Email Option, Voicemails are converted to text for ease of reading
The process was extremely easy to setup, I was up and running in about 5 minutes. You also have the option of many upgrades, such as personalized or vanity phone numbers-which you can search for when you are signing up.
Obviously, want to know about the cost. I paid for one year, but you can pay month by month if you like. (as a matter of fact use coupon code Reward$ for one free month). It came out to just $9.88 per month, a very little price to pay for a bunch of options and a professional look to your business.
I’ve definitely noticed an increase in leads when I put a phone number on the site. Remember, there are many people that still prefer to talk to a real person before making a purchasing decision.
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