Overall Pet Alive has a 4 star rating based on 1 user reviews.
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PetAlive Natural Healing can be more effective than conventional medications.
Good service. Great website. Good choices for natural healing. For long term, their 3rd one free can't be beat. My animals have reacted very well to homeopathics. Herbals may be what is keeping my dog with possible kidney and liver disease alive. If I had started with some herbals and homeopathics earlier, we might not be in this day to day fight. Conventional medicine doctors made some serious mistakes. Sites like Pet Alive can give you information and options that can be an adjunct to any conventional medicine, and quite possibly more effective. Do your own homework. If you can afford it, check out different types of vets for different opinions. They all know a little more than the next guy. When checking out of PetAlive Just remember to put in the coupon code before submitting the order.
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