Menu Reviews Reviews Rating Overall has a 1 star rating based on 1 user reviews.

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1 Stars This gift cost me $75...

My company gave me $100 Supercertificate, which means I could cash it in for any combination of gift cards at I picked $100 Hard Rock gift card. We made a special occasion out of it- we ate like kings. Then the card turned out to be worth $25. I had to put the rest of the $100 tab on my Visa card. The company refuses to reimburse me for the cost- they are offering a $75 giftcard instead. Now I have to think up of another way to sepnd $75 on something I don't need. So at the end of the day, I spent $75 of my money to make up a way to spend $100 of my company's money.

(Posted at 2:41 am on December 14, 2010.)

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