Overall Fingerhut has a 4 star rating based on 7 user reviews.
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Awesome up•to•date electronics!
Super impressed with the speedy electronic updates. The latest double din cd receivers are amazing!
Use Caution
Fingerhut is primarily a store for those who have trouble getting credit other places, and while I can afford one the opportunity to purchase items they may not otherwise be able to purchase, unless you pay it off quickly you will do much more harm than good, plus you always pay more to begin with. It comes with the territory if you have bad credit, but I would suggest saving and making the purchase outright rather than carrying a debt load with them. But, if you are determined to make the purchase, their items are usually really good quality. Selection can be limited, and their online website can be a real pain the rear to navigate. My advice...don't bother.
Learned to Love It
Fingerhut has all of the latest products. You have the option of paying with Fingerhut credit and your payments are small. You get credit limit increases when you pay on time each month. I did not always like Fingerhut, but I love them now.
Be Cautious When Shopping Here!
I had always been leary of this site especially after all the bad things I have heard about them. We ordered a Christmas tree with a wreath and swag in November of 2010. The tree costs well over $200 alone not to mention the $30 something dollar shipping charge. When we received it it was very flimsy and looked like a tree you would buy from a cheap discount store, large voids between limbs etc. Customer service was very rude although they did help with getting it returned and credited. I won't be shopping with them in the future.
Great place to Shop!
Love the trial time to decide if an item that I have ordered is an item that really works for me. Never questioned on any returns. A great place to order from! Love there defered payments and clearance.You can always find great deals. Thanks Fingerhut.
FH can help make dreams come true for even you.
FH has helped me provide items for my family especially at Christmas, Birthdays, etc. Good Service,fair payment plan and name brand items. In fact this email is coming to you via an HP notebook I purchased from FH as a Christmas gift for my family last December. Fair trial and return policy. Quality overall.
I have always enjoyed shopping with fingerhut.
Fingerhut is easy to shop with. The payment plans are easy as well as returns,exchanges or cancellations. They never hassle or question why you make changes. they even offer deferred billing and a convenient plan to stop your bill in case something happens. You can shop with peace of mind and know that you are secure even in these economical times.
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