
Coffee For Less Reviews

Coffee For Less Reviews

Coffee For Less Rating Overall Coffee For Less has a 5 star rating based on 1 user reviews.

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5 Stars Mmmm, mmmmm Food!

My mother did all the research of all the coffee places she could order her K-cups from. Coffee for Less was the best priced place to shop. But that is NOT the only reason we keep coming back! Shipments are lightening fast - maybe it's the caffeine? Alsot he customer service is the best! I had a small problem (I thought) with my very first order. The customer service reps were great! They listened, and resolved my issue by agreeing to send the correct coffee free of charge and I didn't have to mail back the incorrect one. Well I didn't receive the new one in a weeks time, so I called again. After working with this rep, she told me to open the box I had - and indeed, it was the coffee I should have received in the first place - so the order was NOT wrong after all (packaging glitch). Either way - everything was for the best and the service was fantastic. I'm getting ready to place my next order...and I know I'll have it by the weekend, and if there is a problem, they will do whatever is necessary to correct it. You can't buy decent customer service...and at Coffee for Less? You don't have to.

(Posted at 5:01 pm on March 16, 2011.)

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