Menu Reviews Reviews Rating Overall has a 3 star rating based on 4 user reviews.

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3 Stars Pressure

I find it very expensive to cloth teenagers from Buckle. My only reason I enter your clothing store is because I have no other choice. We have two very tall grandchildren and need x- long. With other children in the family it is impossible for the parents to afford the cost of x- long jeans.

(Posted at 4:01 pm on August 11, 2011.)

3 Stars High Style But High Prices Too!

Love the look....but hate the tag! I only shop this store when there's a sale, or I have a good coupon, otherwise, can't afford it!

(Posted at 12:45 am on November 22, 2010.)

2 Stars Buckle

Too pricey. It is so stupid to pay so much for their products

(Posted at 11:36 pm on April 25, 2010.)

4 Stars Buckle

Easy to shop. Loads fast. Love the abilities to look at backs of items and pockets.

(Posted at 5:45 pm on February 1, 2010.)

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