Overall AutoZone has a 5 star rating based on 2 user reviews.
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Awesome Experience
I have delt with many auto parts stores in the last 20 years, and by far AutoZone as given me the best experience ever. Online shopping makes it convenient and easy to find the parts and prices. In the stores I have had great help and good advice, and because of the service I get with AutoZone I have not gone back to the any of the other stores for anything.
If I have bad service once from a store I try again because of prices, but when I have had multiple issues, prices do not matter at that point. AutoZone has given me the parts, prices, and service so now I can have my cake and eat it too.
They know what they are doing
I was so happy because they took care of my car so professional the the price of parts looked like non-negotiable.
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