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Aero Garden Coupons

Aero Garden

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Aero Garden Coupons

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Aero Garden Reviews

Aero Garden Rating Overall Aero Garden has a 4.8 star rating based on 5 user reviews.

5 Stars Outdoor herbs burn in Carolina sunshine

My husband is what I call an intuitive cook so he likes to try different herbs in his cooking in order to add unique combinations of flavor. After moving to SC and trying to keep an outdoor herb garden ready for use, we discovered the strong SC sun does nothing but burn everything. (Luckily, it's the sun and not my husband!!! LOL)

Thanks to our Aerogarden, he now has a variety of herbs right at hand. He thinks about what flavors he'd like to conjure up, and snip, snip, snip...the herbs are ready to use. We don't have to worry about brown leaves, bugs, dirt or wilting leaves, just great flavor right in the kitchen!

We highly recommend the Aerogarden to grow quality herbs for preparing delicious home cooked meals.

PS. I just ordered an Aerogarden for summer flowers! I can't wait to get started!

(Posted at 1:50 pm on March 20, 2011.)

5 Stars aerogarden 7-pod vs 3-pod

I was giving a 3-pod aerogarden as a Christmas gift a year and 1/2 ago. I wasn't sure I was going to like it, but was quickly pleased. It was so much fun, but once harvested it takes a bit to recover. So I determined that a 3 pod was too small for my needs. So, I bought two used 1 year old 7 pod aerogardens. I then learned that the differences between the two models was more then the number of pods. The 3 pod uses a air stone (like an aquarium). The 7 pod uses a pump. I have use the two types next to each other for over a year. Difference 1: The 7 pod plants grow much quicker and are stronger then the 3 pod. One pod, farthest away from the airstone on the 3 pod barely grows. The 7 pod are more uniform. Difference two: the pump on the 7 pod has to be replaced about once a year which runs around $16 with shipping. The replacement process isn't for the faint hearted, because they first recommend you take apart your pump and run it through with soap, put it together, run it, take it apart, repeat, which is complicated. Only to find out that indeed the pump is bad and needs to be replaced. Difference three: The base on the one of the 7 pod which houses the electronics had to be replaced once. Aeorgarden replaced this for free even though I had bought it used and not from them. My advice if you just want the novelty and really won't use it much buy the 3 pod, there's been no maintenance issues with it. But if you like to have fresh herbs in your cooking buy 2 to 3 7 pods. Even though there are going to be maintenance issues, it's wonderful the have them cycle opposite of each other and never be without herbs. Customer Service is really amazing so replacing worn out parts has been financial painless.And honestly, I've gone through it twice now the soap/pump thing is not worth you time. Just replace the pump.

(Posted at 10:36 am on March 18, 2011.)

4 Stars Wonderful

I love my aero garden. I have the 7 pod version and it is terrific. My only complaint is that the hood does not go up high enough. I am considering buying the upgraded TALL arm. It is especially great for herbs.

(Posted at 8:18 am on November 23, 2010.)

5 Stars Love it...

what a great way to get fresh herbs...i have the aero garden 3...because i live in small apartment. And its perfect on the counter and works as a great night light...Nice to know i am growing something fresh and conserving energy by doing two things at one time. Love that you can now customize your kits..

(Posted at 3:29 pm on April 3, 2010.)

5 Stars nifty little grow toy

It is amazing, you just plant and grow. I didnt use the seeds that came with the kit but i did use the nutrient pill and it works wonderfully.

(Posted at 12:34 am on October 21, 2009.)

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